We are better with you than we are without you, and so are you!
Any school … All Saints, St. Vincent Ferrer, and any other parish, and your friends!
7th & 8th grade for Junior High Youth Group; 9th -12th grade for High School Youth Group – Highschoolers of the Well (HOW).
Sunday, October 13th, 2024
Jesus’ words in today’s Gospel (Mark 10:17-30) caused sadness for the man with many possessions. Jesus then told His disciples, “How hard it is for those who have wealth to enter the kingdom of God!” Jesus continued and said “For human beings it is impossible, but not for God. All things are possible for God.”
So … how do we respond. How should we think about His words. Jesus’ words are 180 degrees from what the world around us tells us. We’re told by media, social and not so social, that we should get it all, get it now, and keep on accumulating stuff, fashion, toys, trips, treasure at every age for as long as we can.
Today’s a good day to take stock of our stock. Is there a “too much” area we need to address? Are we letting stuff become more of a motivation than it should? Are we sharing with those who need a hand up from our excess or are we giving to our God and neighbors our first fruits. Let’s listen to Jesus’ words and let our heart direct our path. Thank you, Jesus for your clarity and love.
Monthly Youth Group Gatherings
Junior High Youth Group
Sunday, October 20th, 2024
6:30-8:30 p.m. | All Saints Youth Room
Join us for food (pizza & dessert), fun, and Faith! And you’ll meet lots of kids from lots of schools
who are all trying to move along on their faith journey. If you’ve joined us before, come on back. If you’ve never been to Junior High Youth Group, give it a try. You’ll like it! We’ll be looking for you!
Highschoolers of the Well Youth Group (HOW)
Monday, October 14th, 2024
7-8:30 p.m. | All Saints Youth Room
At our last gathering we had a Youth Room full of kids from 10 different high schools: Sycamore, Moeller, Mount Notre Dame, Indian Hill, Ursuline, Summit, Wyoming, Madeira, Saint Ursula, Saint Xavier! It was a great night! HOW may be exactly what you’re looking for …
a faith-filled 90 minutes, every couple of weeks, with kids from a handful or more high schools, who come together to pray, laugh, share, unpack, and grow together.
We always welcome all those high school parishioners of All Saints and Saint Vincent Ferrer parishes from ALL High Schools and friends to join us for food, fun, and Faith.
HOW is the Holy Spirit working in you?!
COAT DRIVE: Warm Coats from Warm Hearts
We will begin receiving your gently worn, or new coats, hats, gloves, scarves, vests, and jackets on Sunday, October 27th in the Youth Room Stairwell (side entrance to the North Wing of All Saints Church). We’ll continue collecting until Sunday, November 10, and we will distribute all your donations that week to The Saint Joseph West End Pantry and Holy Family School.
Thank you in advance for your generosity. Thank you for warming some folks with your warm hearts!
Questions about Youth Group?
Please contact Jeff Rosfeld, Youth Ministry, at [email protected]