We are better with you than we are without you, and so are you!
Any school… All Saints, St. Vincent Ferrer, and your friends!
7th & 8th grade for Junior High Youth Group;
9th -12th grade for High School Youth Group – Highschoolers of the Well (HOW).
Sunday, November 24th, 2024
This is the last Sunday of the Liturgical Year. Next week we begin Advent which is the beginning of the Church’s new year. How fitting that today we celebrate the Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of The Universe.
In today’s Gospel (John 18:33-37) Jesus told Pontius Pilate, who was questioning Jesus before he sentenced Him, and Jesus also was telling us, “My kingdom does not belong to this world”.
We believe this, we do! Even though there may be times that we get distracted or somewhat complacent or stubbornly human or tired or confused, we do indeed believe that Jesus’ Kingdom is Heaven, not here. Let’s strive to live our lives in a manner that embodies our belief that nothing is more important than living forever in Heaven. Heaven is real and all that really matters to us.
In four days, we celebrate the wonderful holiday of Thanksgiving. Let’s make sure that we give full thanksgiving with humble gratitude for our belief, our faith, and our love of Jesus. And let’s use the four weeks of Advent as our launchpad to grow our commitment to live each day of our life as believers and seekers and followers of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe.
Happy Thanksgiving, and happy Catholic Church New Year to all.
Monthly Youth Group Gatherings
Junior High Youth Group
Sunday, December 8th, 2024
6:30-8:30 p.m. | All Saints Youth Room
We had a great time at our last gathering! Food, fun, fellowship, Faith, and Turkey Hands! … lots of kids, lots of reasons!
We welcome all 7th and 8th grade students from All Saints and Saint Vincent Ferrer Schools, and all 7th and 8th grade parishioners from ALL SCHOOLS. Hope to see you!
Highschoolers of the Well Youth Group (HOW)
Monday, December 2nd, 2024
7-8:30 p.m. | All Saints Youth Room
We had a big crowd at our last HOW, and as always, the room was vibrant! When your schedule permits, come join us for “Best & Worst”, pizza & dessert, fellowship, prayer, a brief Church visit and fun!
We always welcome all those high school parishioners of All Saints and Saint Vincent Ferrer parishes from ALL High Schools and friends to join us for food, fun, and Faith.
HOW is the Holy Spirit working in you?!
COAT DRIVE: Warm Coats from Warm Hearts Wrap-up
You are very, very generous. This was our biggest year yet with over 200 coat donations - thank you! We distributed all your donations this week to The Saint Joseph West End Pantry and Holy Family School. They were so very appreciative of you and asked me to thank you for your kindness. Thank you for warming so many folks with your warm hearts!
Questions about Youth Group?
Please contact Jeff Rosfeld, Youth Ministry, at [email protected]